Can be used internally from everywhere in the county or over the Swedish secure hospital network from other hospitals. Region Jönköpings Län have invested in VIEWMED single for the hospitals Länssjukhuset Ryhov in Jönköping, Höglandssjukhuset in Eksjö and Värnamo Hospital. With VIEWMED they now can communicate and document medical images, video and audio using VIEWMED. The doctors at the surgery cooperate and consult radiologists available on different physical location via the web-based system. VIEWMED promotes a team-based approach that ultimately provides better care of the patient.

Mats Persson – System manager PACS/RIS
“We needed a user-friendly system for converting and storing digital images to our DICOM archive attached to patients. Thanks to that MIMA™ is a web-based DICOMISING tool we can now do this anywhere in the county, which is of great benefit to our business.”