About Viximed

Viximeds values are based on innovation, reliability, integrity and honesty.

Who are we ?

We are an innovative company within the healhcare IT sector. Viximed was founded 2010 by medical engineers from the University Hospital in Uppsala. With 60 years combined experience we have very great knowlegde of X-ray equipment, DICOM, PACS, RIS and all other equipment on hospital walls. We are familiar with the problems and needs that exist on a modernhospital today, and have good solutions and products to fill those needs.

Today we have more than 20 products (innovations) targeted toward healthcare IT sector. Our mission is to give healthcare providers the conditions to deliver an innovative treatment that ultimately enhances people’s health and quality of life.

Viximed is a reliable partner with good experience of complex installations, projects and software integrations of various types of healthcare IT systems. Today we have more than 100 installations in use and is constantly growing into new domains.

Viximed is head quartered in Uppsala, Sweden.


What we do
for the environment

Viximed is a modern, humane and reliable company. We are aware of the environmental problems that exist today, and we are working systematically and committed to continually reduce our negative environmental impact and prevent our pollution.

We help our clients actively in their environmental efforts and makes it easier for them to be able to meet its environmental and achieve their ambitions by example convey features and products with less environmental impact.

Our management team

Emanuel Hillberg

CEO, Developer, Co founder, Partner

+46 (0)709-965965

Åke Marjamäki

Co founder, Partner, Viewmed product specialist

+46 (0)702-722971

Tomas Moberg

Developer, Co founder,

+46 (0)709-667195

Mats Wallnér

Business Developer

+46 (0)709-519506

Per-Erik Åslund

Medical Physicist, DOSESTAT product specialist

+46 (0)18-186633